Sunday, July 21, 2013

We Welcome The Newest Members Of Our Family...

 Our adorable Sea Babies!

These wee ones are PERFECT for little hands, big hands or no hands at all! I love it when I hear the sea inspired stories my kiddos come up with when they play with their Sea Babies. Adventures of Pirates and Mermaids, Octopus who save the sea by cleaning it up with all their arms, little girls who ride seahorses, Shark boys protecting their friends from fishermen. 

We hosted a Magical Mermaids and Pirates of the Sea Party featured here. We have an old firepit that we cleaned, painted with outdoor paint and use for the kiddos to dig treasure out of. The Sea Babies love to play in the sand there and it keeps the stories going for hours! 

To add these precious Sea Babies to your family see Heatherslouwho Etsy Shop

Another favorite "Story Time" project we use at home is our Story Stones. We call them "Tales of Tails" 

See how creative the kiddos are?!?!

 The idea is that you have 10 stones in a bag. You pour them out and come up with a story using the image on each stone. Please do yourself a favor and record your kiddos coming up with some of the stories when they get used to the idea. I like to do this right after lunch and a hard day playing. Add an afternoon bath and story time then they will slumber for a good while so you can get in some quality "Me" time. I share the video with my hubby after the kiddos go to bed that night and we laugh forever! They come up with the funniest stories!

 You will be able to see the full line of "Tales of Tails" available at Heatherslouwho Etsy Shop . 

Have a Lou~Who kind of day! 

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