Saturday, August 31, 2013

These Words Make Mr. Who CRaZy...

"But I was going to use that!"

As an avid crafter, recycler, re-user we I save just about everything. I make Mr. Who stop on the side of the road to pick up all kinds of things. Even the kids have gotten into it, we call it "treasure hunting". I love it when the neighbors drop by bags and bundles of goodies. I seriously don't know what is wrong with these people, throwing out perfectly good wine corks or great bottles. 

This is what my beloved office looked like after Mr. Who decided to evict me from the garage. Seriously?!?! I am wondering why I don't have my own garage too! He gave me a challenge. Anything that I couldn't come up with a project for right away gets...I can't bear to even say the words...TrAsHeD! So I worked like a beast man an put away everything that has a place and found things I have been looking for forever. Quite honestly, there were a few things even I was like "What in the world was I thinking". I will NEVER admit that to Mr. Who though! 

That being said, I think I have proven myself to him in the "Hey that was a good idea" department, if I do say so myself. Need I remind him of the bottle cap collection? 
Now he loves it when we use these candles for "Date Night" out on the back porch!

Or...Rock collection? 
Tale of Tales! We have had SO much stinkin' fun recording the Little Lou~Whos
making up stories with these guys, hours of fun making them AND they are a big hit at our etsy shop as well.

Now I do have a few items left from my "collection" aka stash that has given me a bit of a challenge, I think I am up for it though.

Too bad you can't see the BIG BLACK television stand there!

Here is what I was thinking...The BIG BLACK television stand (there are actually three) is going to be used for a base for the Halloween Yard Signs I have in mind that are freakin' AWESOME! The bags with the black velvet hooks and orange screw thingy are going to be sitting out on my desk today while I frantically look for something to do with them. Spanish Moss! Perfect packing material for shipping! Bada Bing! There you go...AWESOMENESS!

I bet you have TONS of ideas and great uses for everyday items too!
Give 'em to me! I can handle it!

Heather~Lou Who signing off..till I find something to do with these silly orangy screwy things! 

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