Thursday, July 11, 2013

I Would Hate For You To Think I Am All Talk....

Our friends over at The CSI Project host a weekly Challenge where they offer followers an opportunity to post their version of the weekly challenge for a chance to win bragging rights and a spot to share their creativity and blog sites. Check out my weekly obsession  inspiration HERE

WELL...This reminds Heather~Lou Who it is our mission to use, re-use and recycle everyday items. We are always trying to encourage people to do the same. Most of the items I have for sale or create are made from recycled - re purposed - upcycled materials. I often forget that not everyone can take an object and automatically see the end result especially when that object is not seen in it's best light!

Thanks to The CSI Project's Challenge this week, you  will get to see one of the projects I am VERY proud of :
Remember this Beauty?!?!

Can you believe this was a "Trash to Treasure" project! Big Daddy and I were riding down the road and saw "her" on the side of the road in the trash. We asked the homeowners if they were getting rid of it and they said they were hoping someone could use it. While I had forgotten to take a "Before" pic of the table I did get a shot of the "After the Before" .

It's not where we start but where we end up
that matters! Even now you can see the beautiful
details that spoke to me from the road!
So how do we get from trash heap to an elegant lady sitting in the living room of a loving home? LOTS OF WORK I TELL YA! Well at least a wee bit of elbow grease and some great spray paint! Because there were no chips, missing parts or huge dings a light sanding, new hardware and a coat of spray paint made all the difference in the world! I chose to use spray paint for this project because I wanted a nice smooth finish without the texture a brush or roller would give.

I would love to see what recycled-reused-upcycled projects you have been working on lately. Feel Free to post pics and share them with us!
Have a Lou~Who kind of weekend!




  1. Wow, great makeover! I am impressed. Thanks for always finding inspiration over at The CSI Project. You are an inspiration because you definitely know how to Create, share and inspire!

  2. Way to use your imagination and see potential in the sad, neglected side table. You certainly gave her a new lease on life! Brava!

    Thanks for linking up at The CSI Project this week. Greet to "meet-cha!"

    The Thinking Closet
